Quick start

Quick start

You can get your hands on Eia in just a few seconds!

git clone https://github.com/XomaDev/Eia64
cd Eia64 && java -jar Eia64.jar

Requires a minimum of Java 11 to be installed on your system.

And you have a fully interactive shell:


You lazy?

We've got you covered! If you are scared of Git, then you can try out our SSH version.
You don't need to do anything, just fire up your favorite terminal and paste a line.

ssh -p 2121 hackclub.app

And Tada! You can experience Eia without installing it! How cool is that!


Got this idea from zachlatta/sshtron (opens in a new tab) or I never would have known this was possible lol. How does it work? It was really easy to implement it (a lie). I just had to spawn an SSH server, and write some custom I/O code to suit Eia. Previously a version was using raw servers, netcat was used to do the same. But SSH is better in so many ways, gives total control of everything that I need.

Command line

Going into a little bit of depth, if you are using Eia the Git way.

java -jar Eia64.jar live|source_file [debug=true] [pipe=/tmp/pipe1]

Enabling debug mode will print all the lexed tokens, parsed nodes, and enable tracer.


Eia has a special ability where you can actually SEE what's happening live. For e.g., if a function was called with some args, it will be displayed in the logs.

This works (tested) on linux.

To use this feature, first create a linux pipe:

mkfifo /tmp/pipe1

It's like a channel where Eia will send out live runtime or parse-time logs.
After that:

cat /tmp/pipe1

Note that if you enable piping, it will require you to run the cat command beforehand running Eia