Standard Classes

Std classes

We use the include keyword to load an external class. It could be static or non-static.
An example of including string std-lib:


Now you can perform standard operations on a string:

println(" Melon ".trim())
// "Melon"


An example of all the standard methods offered for a String:

  • indexOfChar(letter: Char): Int
  • indexOfFrom(substring: String, from: Int): Int searches for a substring from the given position
  • indexOf(substring: String): Int
  • contains(substring: String): Bool
  • startsWith(prefix: String): Bool
  • endsWith(suffix: String): Bool
  • uppercase(): String
  • lowercase(): String
  • part(from: Int, to: Int) returns part of a string
  • substring(from: Int)
  • trim(): String
  • replace(match: String, replacement: String): String
  • isAlpha(): Bool check if the string contains only English characters
  • isNumeric(): Bool if the string contains a valid numerical value
  • toCharArray(): Array<Char>
  • repeat(nTimes: Int): String repeats the string n number of times
  • split(delimiter: String): Array<String>
  • splitOnce(delimiter: String): Array<String> splits the string once at a given delimiter
  • size(): Int
  • toIntRadix(radix: Int): Int parses string to a specific numeric base
  • toInt(): Int converts the string into a valid base 10 int


  • indexOf(element: Any): Int
  • contains(element: Int): Bool
  • isEmpty(): Bool
  • recursiveLen(): Int returns length of the array, include that of nested arrays
  • flatten(): Array converts a nested array into a flat one
  • size(): Int
  • add(element: Any): Any
  • removeAt(index: Int): Any
  • string(): String a string representation of elements

Note that add() and removeAt() operations returns a newly allocated array.


  • pow(power: Int): Int
  • root(number: Int): Int
  • mag(number: Int): Int returns a positive integer


Unlike other classes, List is an Object type extension that needs to be instantiated.

let names = new list(10)        // creates a list of initial size 10
// [Hack, Club!]
  • add(element: Any)
  • addAt(at: Int)
  • get(at: Int): Any
  • set(element: Any, at: Int)
  • indexOf(element: Any): Int
  • contains(element: Any): Bool
  • remove(at: Int): Any removes and returns the element removed
  • removeElement(element: Any) removes the specific element from the list
  • clear() clears all the elements present
  • array(): Array
  • arrayOfRange(from: Int, end: Int): Array
  • string(): String returns a string representation of elements present


println(math.max(5, 8))
// 8
  • min(a: Int, b: Int): Int
  • max(a: Int, b: Int): Int
  • abs(a: Int): Int
  • avg(nums: Array<Int>): Int returns average of the given int array


// true